Progressive & Still Creating Change

Changing the world; it’s our thing.

Horizon House is home to residents who continue to shape our community, advocate for social justice, and demand action. Several resident committees focus on supporting positive outcomes for various initiatives affecting the community at large.

Grassroots Grow Here

Like legendary Seattle activist and Horizon House founder, Myrtle Edwards, residents of Horizon House are long-time advocates with remarkable histories of getting things done. Many have experience writing policy and legislation, working on task forces, and leading government agencies. 

Horizon House residents are known for their commitment to important causes. Because we are a community known for creating change with a positive impact for our neighborhood and beyond, community leaders come to talk and learn with us.

A Center of Civic Engagement

As a Horizon House resident, you can hear from local candidates at one of our popular Election Forums. Join the Spotlight on Seattle or Neighborhoods committee to discuss projects and issues impacting all Seattle citizens. Participate in programs featuring national and international experts, through World Concerns. Whether it’s advancing diversity or discussing the economy, you can take action here.


The speakers and discussions on public concerns and issues are a hallmark of life here at Horizon House. We don’t take political stands. But our Elections Forums Committee brings in candidates and speakers to explain their views that give us a first-hand understanding of what’s on the ballot. It’s most informative.

Sam Sperry
Creative Endeavors

Creative Endeavors

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Gardening + Outdoors

Gardening + Outdoors

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Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

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Main: 206-624-3700

Sales: 206-649-4777

900 University ST
Seattle, WA 98101